Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving - Then vs. Now

Students learned the history of Thanksgiving and compared it to Thanksgiving today over several weeks. Students took all of the facts they learned and put together a short video using an app called 30 Hands to share their knowledge about Thanksgiving. Here is just one example, if you would like to view your child's video click on the KidBlog link on the top right side of the blog.


Science Fun

Ms. Munk visited this week from the Kendallville library. She continued to teach us about solids, liquids, and gases. Students learned when they add vinegar (a liquid) and baking soda (a solid) it creates a gas (CO2). The students also got to experiment with an example of suspension when they mixed equal parts cornstarch and water. They soon found out that sometimes the mixture acted as a solid and sometimes a liquid. These would be fun snowy day experiments to try at home!


This week, students learned about beginning and ending consonant blends. Students learned that blends are two consonants together. When you say a word with a blend, the two sounds blend together. Here are some of the blends we studied - bl, br, pl, pr, st, sp, nd, mp, tr. Students had the job of finding blends in the books they were reading. They used the app Pic College to take a photo of the book cover and then take pictures of the words containing blends either at the beginning or end of words. Here is just one sample below. If you would like to check out your child's work, please click on the KidBlog link.

Thanksgiving Fun

We make "I am Thankful for..." hats with our 4th grade buddies today and we also played Thanksgiving Bingo together. I hope that everyone's has a wonderful Thanksgiving with family.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Book Buddies

This week at Book Buddies, students focused on the parts of a story. Students listened to a story and then with a buddy they made a poster of their assigned part.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wii Dance Party

Thank you to all the families who supported the Basket Brigade by donating a $1 and dancing after school. It was a lot of FUN!  

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day

Thank you to ALL of the men and women who have served our country. Student work is authentic and meaningful.  

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pizza Party Winners!

Thank you to all the families who ordered pizza this week at Avilla Pizza and Sub! The students enjoyed the pizza party on Friday!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Donuts with Dad

Students had a great time with their dad's this morning!  Thanks to the Avilla PTO!

Book Buddies and BINGO

Today at Book Buddies students were introduced to the new author of the month Jon Scieszka. We read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Students then discussed the characters, setting, and plot. After that, students placed a game of sight word BINGO!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thank You Trine

Students wrote Thank You letters to Mr. Howard from Trine University. The students published the letters on Pic College and emailed them to me. I took all of the Pic College slides and put them together into a quick video. ENJOY!

Fall Festival Learning Fun

Students spent October 31st learning with CANDY! We used candy corn to measure items around the classroom. Students quickly found out that different brands of candy corn come in different sizes! They had a blast learning to measure with this non-standard unit. They also enjoyed a trail mix and graphed the different items in their bags. We ended the day with the story "A Witch Who Wanted a House". In this interactive story, the house the students created turned into a JACK-O-LANTERN! The friendly witch also had a "ghost" (aka sucker) that lived with her in the house. What a fun day of learning!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Panther University - "Going Bats"

On Tuesday night, families came to hear Bob Walton from "Going Bats" talk about how he cares for injured bats and releases them back into the wild. Students learned what to do if they encounter a bat at home or at school. 1st grade classes also did a presentation on responsibility and each class preformed their college cheer! Go TRINE, MICHIGAN, and MOUNT VERNON NAZARENE UNIVERSITY!